Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pregnancy. A love hate relationship.

5 Things I LOVE about being pregnant!

#1 SHOPPING! Babies need TONS of stuff. Having my very own real kid means I must get him all the essentials, and no kid of mine is going to look like a rag doll, therefore lots of shopping for clothes and any and all fabulous accessories that a little prince might need. People ask me what I have so far for the baby, the answer…well pretty much every BIG item on my list thanks to Coop’s grandparents has been purchased. One thing I see needing a lot more of is tons of baby hangers;) And another bookshelf. I love buying Cooper books! What you see in the picture below are ONLY the books purchased in the last 2 weeks. Yikes!

#2 Decorating! I love to decorate. The room that is soon to be the nursery has been repainted 3 times in the last 4 years. (Don’t even ask about the rest of my house) I must admit that finding everything for a boy seems much harder than for a girl. I don’t do themes and little cartoon characters, so everything in my little man’s room is completely custom made. The only negative… the painting, moving of furniture and replacement of ceiling fan is all on Daniel’s schedule. He is by far the hardest worker I have ever met. I know as soon as he gets a day off the room will be done! It’s killing me to look at the paint and not put it up! (confession, I did do a small part of the wall so I could have a sneak peak of what it would look like.

#3 People you don’t know get excited for you!

#4 Doctor’s appointments. Crazy I know, but no one wants to get sick and go to the doctor. When your pregnant the doctor is the greatest place on earth! You get to see your little one on the ultrasound, hear his little heart beat, and the doctor makes you feel like you are the greatest pregnant lady ever! Thankfully I have the best OB doctor EVER! My next appointment is April 5th!

Below is a profile pic of our Cooper Patrick! Handsome already.

#5 Stretchy Pants. Several positives about maternity stretchy pants. One, you don’t have to worry about leaving your pants unzipped. Two, you can grow and grow and be in total denial about the amount of weight you are gaining because no matter what, they fit. (Please note that this is also on my list of 5 things I HATE about being pregnant.)

5 Things I HATE about being pregnant.

#1 Weight Gain. I worked very hard to get to my goal weight. The day before I found out I was pregnant I was one pound under my goal weight. Today, I am lets just say… a lot bigger!

#2 People think you can’t do anything. Even though I have gained weight I am still in great shape. I do Bodypump 3 times a week and wog (walk/jog) at least twice a week. The doctor says it’s totally safe. I had a person go crazy on me because I was carrying a gallon of paint to my car. Really? It’s only a gallon of paint people. Not that heavy and I promise I didn’t pop the top and inhale!

#3 Limited wardrobe choices. Yes I do appreciate the freedom of stretchy pants but a girl needs fashion. Thankfully I live in a town that has very few people aware of what’s in style. I also have the freedom to wear whatever I like to work since I am the person in charge of dress code. But a girl can only wear the same old stretchy pants so many days in a row. The t-shirts are getting snug. I don’t own a tent. I’m not sure what fashion statement you will see me make next, but I can tell you it wont be pretty.

#4 Worrying. This world is a sick and twisted place. I lay awake at night trying to figure out how in the world I will teach my son to live in the world but not be of the world. I’m still trying to figure this one out myself. Fortunately I believe in the power of prayer. And I also believe my Father answers them according to his will.

#5 Everybody has an opinion. “You should do this…don’t spend that much money on that… when I was pregnant I… let me tell you how to…” I am a first time mom. Let me make my mistakes and learn from them. And sadly for you, I probably won’t do the same dumb stuff you did. HAHA. I’ll do my own dumb stuff and learn from it.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see the nursery finished! you look gorgeous!!
