Monday, April 11, 2011

New Blog Idea! Updated Nursery Argyle pic:)

I’ve been lacking in blog ideas for the past few days. It’s been crazy around my house lately. We are still working on Cooper’s Room so his crib, dresser and his ridiculous amount of clothes are all crammed in my guest bedroom… along with Sam, Daniel’s youngest brother who is visiting from Kuwait. I think God is giving me a little glimpse of what it will be like to live with two boys. Lots of laundry, messes, video games, cartoons (Sam loves cartoon network so it’s on all the time) and messing around outside. I had a fabulous weekend shopping with Dana, my mother-in-law, and leading my Little Saints singing program on Sunday. After Sundays surprisingly amazing performance by my 3, 4, and 5 year olds I came up with a great blog idea! People are always amazed at the Bible knowledge my Little Saints have. I would love to take credit for there amazing memory and ability to share God’s word, but that credit belongs to the wonderful teachers that teach them each day.

Warning: I’m now going to challenge all parents and ask that you hold me accountable to do the same with my own children. Parents, ask yourself “Who is in charge of teaching my child the word of God?” Is it your church? Your child’s school or caregiver? We all know the answer to this. It’s you. You and you alone are responsible for teaching your child about God’s word. Yes, a wonderful children’s program at church and school is helpful in reinforcing what you teach at home, but you can’t expect other people to be responsible for your child’s spiritual growth. They will live how you live. Are you faithful? Are you dedicated to learning more about God’s word? Do they see you reading your Bible? Are you actively putting his word in your heart? These are all things I want my Cooper to do, REALITY CHECK, Daniel and I must do them as well. Something I have discovered in my last 6 years working in education is parents are often willing and able to teach at home, however they are lacking the proper recourses to teach at home. Finally a fantastic blog idea! I have UNLIMITED recourses in this area! All of my ideas are kid tested and God approved! Starting next Sunday I will give parents a quick and easy Bible lesson to teach at home. Believe it or not, you might see your spiritual life change drastically as well. They are fun easy things you can do at home to teach your children that God is priority. My mother loves to use the word “intentional.” Lets be intentional parents. I have a feeling if we were all intentional in our homes we could change the future of our churches. In fact, I don’t think we have a choice. You have been called to be intentional about teaching your children. It’s your challenge, take it or leave it. Tune in on Monday’s to see the lessons! If you need a little inspiration read Psalm 119:11. Lets start by hiding God’s word in our heart.

Now on to less serious matters. The nursery. The photo below contains a picture of my labor of love over the past few weeks. I would like to dedicate this argyle strip to my 6th grade math teacher, with out you Ms. Woolly, my Cooper would have plain walls.


  1. I just got to your blog through Facebook. I love the argyle! (I will have to show it to my husband. He will love it too and say that we have to remember that for a nursery one day...or he'll want to paint it in our room now!) So cute, and you did a great job on it!

  2. Great challenge in this post also! I will be tuning in to see your lessons and filing them away for use with my little ones some day...or using them now in teaching my nieces or friends' children. I can't wait to see what you have in store!

    I have been challenged lately to really take seriously "hiding God's Word in my heart." One of my mentors suggested and then gave me a copy of the book, "His Word in My Heart" by Janet Pope. It is about a practical approach to memorizing big sections of Scripture. It was a great read. Along with the girls in my small group, I have started to memorize Ephesians. I'm only about 8 verses in, but I think it's going to be great! If you're interested, you should check the book out.

  3. The argyle looks amazing ry! So impressed!!!!!!
